Publications by Year: 2012

Rojtman B. La nuit de Jacob. Symposium on "L’inquiétante étrangeté dans le judaïsme", Alliance Israélite Universelle. 2012.
Le dieu auquel je crois
Malka V. Le dieu auquel je crois. Paris: Editions du Cerf, collection Histoires-Judaïsme; 2012.
Rojtman B. Towards a Hermeneutics of Ambiguity: The Book of Esther and the Silence of Signs. Partial answers, Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas. 2012;10 (1) :1-10.
Mémoire des lettres: photographs by Didier Benloulou, texts by Betty Rojtman and Catherine Chalier
Mémoire des lettres: photographs by Didier Benloulou, texts by Betty Rojtman and Catherine Chalier. Paris: La Table Ronde; 2012 pp. 96.